I have never come across such an amazing CC Cushion foundation in my mind before until I saw...
THE TOP Komtar Penang | Rainbow Skywalk | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
What’s hot in Penang right now? If you have driven past the recent Penang Komtar at night, you...
Penang Heritage Trails ~ Chew Jetty & Lee Jetty | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
The Clan Jetties are a part of the Penang Heritage Trail where all the houses on the water...
Fann Catering 你的首选自助餐服务
是否还在为婴孩满月、生日派对、结婚宴席、社团宴席、新屋入伙、功德宴席、校庆晚会等等的宴席感到不知所措及懊恼呢?亲爱的马来西亚读者们好消息来了 ❤家喻户晓的槟城威省区 Fann Catering 为Zanne的读者们提供上门自助餐服务高达10%的折扣! Fann Catering 的美食令人惊叹不已,从鲜美的海鲜到精美可口的娘惹糕点及甜品、令人回味无穷的咖喱鱿鱼足以令食客们不吝啬的点赞哟!除此之外,他们还提供无与伦比的五星级服务、三星级的价格、以顾客要求及主题为中心,备受顾客的欢迎及喜爱。他们的美食与摆设足以用“变化无穷”来完美诠释! 他们拥有不错的口碑,多样化的菜色,除了擅长的中餐与西餐之外,还有许多马来西亚特色的美食如:炒粿条、椰浆饭、虾面、马来式烧鱼、槟城叻沙、 咖喱鸡等等供顾客选择。 Fann Catering 拥有多年的饮食界服务经验,厨师们个个经验丰富,厨艺精湛,不断创新与改进,推出一系列的新的菜色,是顾客们最佳的选择之一。他们致力提供经济实惠及有水准以上的美食,但是他们也会根据顾客的要求作出少许的更改或制定新的菜单,当然价钱也会随之调整。 他们从吉打西岭原本多年历史的菜饭店,再成立另一家高渊分行及扩展成有规模的上门自助餐服务,更成为了槟城威省区自助餐龙头之一。Fann Catering自助餐人数的订单至少需要130人,你还可以点击他们的Facebook以方便下单哟, 别忘了输入 “ZANNE” 以获得高达10% 的折扣,预知详情请联络: FANN CATERING 131, Jalan...
National Museum of Singapore Review | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
Museum is always a great place in order to explore and learn about a country’s history and culture....
Kawaguchiko Lake Japan | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
Finally the journey has come to an end and here’s the final part of my Tokyo itinerary –...
Tokyo Disneyland Review | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
The little girl’s dream to enter the Magic Kingdom castle had finally come true. The delightful theme of...
Tokyo Itinerary (Part 5) | Southern Tokyo | Odaiba | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
Hello my dear readers! Here is my final itinerary for Southern part of Tokyo. We spent a day...
Tokyo Itinerary (Part 4) | Western Tokyo | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
My hostel is quite near to Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) and we took a train and stopped at Yoyogi...
Tokyo Itinerary (Part 3) | Central Tokyo | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
MARUNOUCHI (丸の内) Marunouchi lies between Tokyo Station and Imperial Palace which is one of the most prestigious business...
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