There are many places where you can enjoy the nature and animals in Singapore. I made a trip...

Ellenborough Market Café Review By Zanne Xanne | Chinese New Year Buffet Dinner
When we are referring to Peranakan culture or the Straits Chinese, we are mostly familiar with their unique...

50 Ways How I Saved My Money To Travel The World | Zanne Xanne’s Tips
There’s a Chinese proverb said that, “Traveling thousands of mile is better than reading thousands of books.” As...

10 Fun Things To Do In Korea | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
There are plenty of activities that you can experience in Korea, an incredible country that’s full with amazing...

Yangpyeong | South Korea Day Trip In Winter | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
Annyeong chingu! I know that we are lying on the earth’s Equator and we don’t have the chances...

River Safari Singapore | World’s Iconic River Habitats | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
It’s a throwback blog about my previous visit to River Safari that we manage to get a free...

Penang Avatar Secret Garden | Truly Beyond Your Wildnest Imagination | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
Have you ever imagined walking under the moonlight passing through the mysterious secret garden and listen to the...

China House | The Best Café in Penang | Zanne Xanne’s Travel Guide
China House has been renowned for its tasty signature cake and the beautiful traditional heritage building. I visited here once...

香港这座受过英国殖民统治的城市,生于繁华边缘,是一个缤纷色彩的华丽都市。有朋友告诉我说香港和新加坡有很多相似之处,是一个不可错过的旅游胜地。最近托我朋友之福,替他们总结了以下香港自由行必做的10件事,要去香港的朋友们,千万不要错过哦! 1.太平山顶俯瞰维多利亚港夜景 THE PEAK 照片来源 太平山顶又称维多利亚峰是香港的最高点,港岛最负盛名的豪华高级住宅区,也是一个观赏夜景的最佳地点。当您乘搭30°的缆车向山顶进发时,建议您坐在缆车的右侧以方便俯瞰维多利亚港景色。 开放时间 (山顶缆车) 7:00 -24:00 (大约每10-15分钟) 门票 (山顶缆车) 单程28港币,双程40港币 (成人) 单程11港币,双程18港币...

We Are The Furballs (WTF) Birthday Treat
Annyeong!! After a really long rest (I guess maybe 2 months) I’m back to my blog world again!...
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