Blood donation can be a scary experience for the first timer or those who have never donated blood...

Diary #5 | SHN At Swissotel The Stamford
I’m feeling glad and lucky that I was able to serve my SHN at Swissotel The Stamford last...

Diary #4 | Zanne Tied The Knot
Hello September, time flies so fast and it was 2months ago where Mr So and I were officially...

DAIRY #3 | YouTube Channel ~ Zanne Production
Hello everyone, time flies so fast and is May now! If you’ve followed my blog weekly and probably...

DAIRY #2 | My Blogging Journey
Tada… My new blog design is finally done and I really can’t wait to share with you all...

DAIRY #1 | 安息,一路走好
收拾著沈重的心理,簡單的隨身物品,草率的梳洗一番後拿了護照就奪門而出。曾經約好的三人之旅,不遠就從最近的島嶼開始,至今再也無法實現了… 經過幾番掙扎與考慮後,我們決定上網訂了下一班最快的航班,只希望趕得上你人生中最後的旅程。在包廂里再也無法聽見你扣人心弦的歌聲,被周傑倫歌曲刷屏的畫面,屬於自己風格的「好久不見」及許許多多充滿歡笑與歌聲的回憶。 你那一點都不好笑的冷笑話,一見面就提醒我別吃了該減肥了,減肥後絕對是個大美女的玩笑。有時候在街上巧遇,大家寒暄聊聊近況,我都會告訴你說我忙著減肥。可是如今那玩笑已成了回憶,從你家人口中得知你走得太累了,总算在春天里得以安睡。 人生無常,你的突然離世教會了我们應該把握當下,勇敢追求自己的夢想。曾經邀請你們到我家做客,一起唱歌打牌喝酒聊到天亮,你是一個充滿正能量對唱歌非常熱忱的歌者。希望往后的日子你在天國可以當個無病無痛快快樂樂的善良天使。 安息吧朋友,一路走好! ♥ In memory of Alvin Ong ♥

The Friend In Sunshine and Shade
“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship;...
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